Friday, December 9, 2011

IIT-just a brand or got some mettle........

Recently i was watching the headlines.....suddenly something obscure caught my article about IIT BASHING......i was a bit flabbergasted..because it was coming from the much revered,much hallowed Narayan Murthy..and what was even more scary was he was sounding a bit acerbic.....

So myself bein an iitian,i thought i should share something on this issue....i am just giving my perceptions..and i am certainly not playing devil's advocate.....when you say iitians standard is degrading...u need to keep in mind umpteen factors..just blaming the students is not going to serve the cause....

to begin with....
1.Coaching classes-Getting into iits is like jeopardising all the fun u can have in ur 11th and when u join a coaching class...u r drawing the final nail in the coffin...but it is neccessary....these classes may be preaching commercialisation..but thats the spirit of enterprise......and in tandem with commercialisation they do provide the students with the extra cutting edge..the rigour,the cogency neccessary to make it into IITS.....and u cant deny they do make a student a bit disciplined.......

2.QUOTAS-I think this is a major lacunae in the selection procedure.....because many desrving candidated are left out.....but this is a issue where we can never reach a consensus on....50% reservation is surely outrageous....the criteria according to me is absurd......just making into the iits is not neccessary sustaining in it is more difficult....

3.PROFESSORS-Even the communication gap between the professors is also not helping....students here often flinch from asking profs dere doubts...and to some extent profs here r also stubborn....both dese dichotomies tend to make the situation more worse....

Plus the aspirants itself now are more money minded....they see iit as a tag and a brand.....something that is going to give them a podium for raking in them a status in the they r just driven like herds on the latest bandwagon...MBA..this mba bug has surely got into the annals of all iitians....they dont seem to be looking for the calling of their life...instead they prefer to be part of the crowd....

So its not just the students who are the reason behind everything..other peccadilloes though small and myriad also contribute to the degrading cause.......